ATS Desktop with Windows Terminal Services



Please, do not read this document if you use ATS Desktop Client on a stand alone PC. Also, you do not need to read this paper if you plain to use ATS Desktop with Active Directory Services.

  • Uninstall FIRST your current ATS Desktop using the Windows Control Panel.

  • Windows 2000/XP/2003: you need Administrator privileges to install this software.

  • This current version will work only in Windows 2000, XP and 2003. If you install it on top of Terminal Services, you must have Windows Terminal Services correctly installed with all users created.

  • Important: if you already have the ATS Desktop Client for Terminal Services, and you wish to install a new version, after the install process, you will not get the users list that you have. So, you must re-install the users.-

1) Enter the Windows Terminal Server as Administrator user

2) Run ATS Desktop Client from the Windows menu "Start"->"Programs "->"ATS Desktop 4" ->ATS Desktop 4

3) You will have the following menu activated.

: This will allow them to define the users that will be using the ATS Desktop.

4) When selecting the above option the following screen will display

The above fields-columns contains the following information:

User Account (This field cannot be modified - it is only added by clicking on 'Users setup' tab.

FasTrax  Account (This field can be updated and is for reference only - A way to identify the login used in the Linux server and should be equal to the user logged on the the Windows Terminal  Server).

Dependencies  This field contains the folder location for the specified user - This field is important because it must correspond with the Desktop Folder in the User Setup within FasTrax.

5) Add some users to ATS Desktop Client from this Windows Terminal Services, by clicking on the "Users setup" tab. You will see this screen.

6) At this point, just move your mouse to the white square when the second arrow is pointing and just do a <Right Click> with your mouse. You will see this contextual menu

7) Click on the "Get users from this PC/box/server" option.

All users defined for this Windows, WinNT users or Windows Terminal users, will appear like this on that white square

Note that some users may be not "user accounts" but "internal Windows accounts". Some users with the "$" sign are volumes, disks or just PCs. Using the clasical Windows approach with lists, use <Ctrl-Click> on the users you wish to install, until you be happy with the results. For example:

At this example we clicked on some users. A "hint" ( a tiny box with a legend ) normally appear to guide you about the options.

IMPORTANT: you will have by default only 3 (three) users licence. This means, if you select more than 3 users, the system will only install 3 users. Contact ATS Tech Support i fyou need more users licences.

Allways select the Administrator user itself, first.

8) When you have  the users you wish to install, you must <Right click>, choice the "Install selected user(s)" option

9) The system will install the users you choose. At the status bar below this windows you will be informed about the progression. You will be informed about the sucess or about the problems with this process.
At the end, click on the button.

10) We check our installed users clicking on the "Installed users" tab. You must see something like this.


* Try to manage the same users name on FasTrax as in the Windows Terminal Server.
* Once those users are created, please take some time to write on "FasTrax Account" column the user name that all those Windows users are using to getting FasTrax access. It will help you for documentation and the following step.

11) Indicating to the FasTrax users the dependencies from Windows Terminal Server users. This is a very important step.

On FasTrax, under the System Administration -> Menu Security Control -> Add/Update/Delete Users you'll enter the users name you want to update then go to the (A)dd Info screen
and update field 3.

This has to match the exact same as it is defined in the fields Dependencies for that user.

This can easily be accomplished by highlighting the "Dependencies" column for that user and pressing <Enter>, then <Ctrl-C> (copy), then going to FasTrax and doing <Ctrl-V > (Paste). 

This must be done for each and every user:  this is how FasTrax knows that where to place the XML's and Excel documents for that specified user.

Technical documents- FAQ
See also:
User administration